Came without any defect and is super cute! Will return the compear
Beautiful and high-quality stand. The seller packed perfectly, comes in a white box!
A fast arrival about 2 weeks usually takes almost a month. Well packed and packed very happy, good seller.
Quickly reached the package, packed very well! I liked it, the stand is comfortable)))
As in the description. Well packed. Thank You recommend seller
Read past reviews and was very worried about safety. But the seller-well done, put everything in the air pillow. It all came out, mom likes it. Thank you!
The product arrived very fast and in perfect condition. Very protected, as i think it's a pretty fragile product. Perfect for keeping the labials, just what i wanted.
Great packed and well made, recommended! Finally my lipstick receive worthy place: D
All great, both shipping that took about 2 weeks, and quality. All right, i recommend
Thank you, the packaging is super, everything is whole. Thank you very much to the seller, everyone would work so hard.
It's smaller than i thought but ideal for labials. For that price i'll buy another one. Greetings! greetings!
It came very well packed. In perfect condition. A little delayed time, but all very well!
In. i'll ask for more soon!
A top accessory for storing lipstick! Both big and small can fit into the boxes. I am happy with my purchase
Very cool organizer. Perfect for storing lipstick, mascara, lip gloss. It also conveniently accommodates thread coils. Plastic is moderately reliable. Product packaging generally above praise. I recommend to buy. Please note it is not suitable for storing gel varnishes!
Happy with the purchase, it comes very well wrapped and protected with bubble plastic i will order another one shortly